
On this blog you will be given Online Business Tips and Solutions and Valuable Information on running an Online Business in any Niche.
Running a business can be very rewarding. If your business is online then you can run it when you want, where you want and how you want. For instance you could be in your pyjamas in bed or on a tropical beach somewhere or you could do it at midnight …..if this is what you want. All you need is a technological device such as a laptop, smart or android phone, computer and an internet connection.
 So How Do You Run An Online Business?
You Have an Offer such as a product or products for sale or a service or have an opportunity such as in network marketing or multilevel marketing. The product or products you may have could be yours or someone else’s as in affiliate marketing.
You Market  Your Offer  through an Online Sales Process such as the example  seen below.
 Example of an Online Sales Process
Sales Funnel
 Just Click The Picture
        Read Below  For The Broad Outline Of This Sales Process Example
1. OFFER ( product(s),service or opportunity ):
This is what you have eg selling computers, being a fitness coach, offering an opportunity in a network marketing company
You need to drive people to this OFFER therefore you need to advertise it in as many different places as you can.
      TRAFFIC splits
– some are not interested in your OFFER  and do nothing
– some are interested in your OFFER and go into the SALES FUNNEL
This is a series of pages people see to entice them into buying.
Sale:      You might get a SALE – yay !!
Celebrate with your happy face and warm fuzzies knowing you are helping someone get what they were after.
All the rest become LEADS or people who were interested in your OFFER but not interested in buying yet.
These LEADS get put on a LEADS LIST.  Some people call it EMAIL List.
You send regular emails to this list. And this can be done automatically through an Autoresponder.
Your job is to send VALUABLE CONTENT to your LEADS LIST  by email and to build a relationship.
You want to help give them in every way you can so they can make an informed decision as to whether to buy or not. People buy when they know they know the person and can trust the person.
YES   Some of these LEADS may give you a SALE
NO    Others will continue to be LEADS until the time is right for them to BUY or they have decided your offer is not for them and they unsubscribe from your LIST.

 You need to 
Be Consistentat
giving people valuable content
using marketing strategies to drive traffic to your offer

Would you like to learn how 4 top earners create an income with a  3 step process starting from scratch.
Watch this video and learn how.
In fact one solution for you and your business could be MSLP ie MyLeadSystemPro.
Get more information on MSLP here
And if you have any questions or something to clarify
please don’t hesitate to send me a PM on facebook here
I can point you in the right direction.
Just remember
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”
– Winston S. Churchill

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