Saturday, January 2, 2016

How To Build Relationships For A Successful Business

People Buy into your Offer whether it’s a product service or opportunity like a network marketing or multilevel marketing company if they know and trust YOU.

So How Do You Build Relationships?
Through offline and online acivities.
Let’s look at these in more detail.
Offline Activity
Join A Group or Groups
Build Relationships Offline
Click Picture To Find A Group Near You That You Are Interested In

This is a great way to have fun doing something you like and building a network with likeminded people.
You will be able to have lots of conversations and build relationships. These in turn may lead into something positive for your business.
If you are not sure where groups are of your interest then google Groups inYour Area. Eg Groups in New York or go here to get started.

Just a little hint though, when you first meet someone new like in a Group or at party or gathering of some sort please don’t say
 “Hi I’m  yourname. Here’s my business card”
You will want to have a chat to them and find out about them, what they are into, how they know the person whose party it is etc. At the same time they may be asking you questions too and finding out about you.
If at any stage you find that you can offer a solution to whatever you have found out then you can tell them that they might be interested in this . This is when you show them your business card and explain your business and how it can possibly help them. And this way they are more likely to “buy.”
Don’t bring up your business if your conversations don’t not lead to it.
Being part of a group means that you will see the people regularly and get to know them and hence building relationships.
Online Activity
Give people Valuable Information
Enter Into Conversations
Click photo to connect with me on facebook.
Click on the Photo if you would like to connect with me on facebook. 
Again it is like the offline example where you don’t want to give a stranger your business card on the first meeting. So online you don’t want to post your link directly to your offer.
The idea is to give people enough knowledge about you and your offer so they can trust you enough to “Buy”.
So how do you give people Valuable Information and Enter Into Conversations?

1. Blogging
A blog is like an article about anything. So in business it can be about anything related to the business, which is in the form of Valuable Information. You are reading one.
Sometimes at the end of a blog there is a section for people to write comments or asking them to  connect with you on social media if they like what they read.
You can have conversations there and build up a relationship.
2. Join Forums and Answer Questions
There are many forums on the internet about anything. So you can join up ones related to your business and give out valuable information in the form of your answers. You will your username which can have links to your blog or website where they can get further information.
This helps build up a relationship.
3. Commenting On Social Media Posts
Conversations and relationships can start and continue in places like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
4. Liking Social Media Posts
If you like a social media post it has your social media name beside it. People are sometimes curious to find out more about you and so will click on your social media name. If they want to build a relationship with you then they can. For example by private message or asking to become friends on Facebook, by following on Instagram and Twitter.
Joining a group offline and blogging, commenting and liking on social media posts and answering questions on forums are just some ways to build relationships for a successful business.
And feel free to leave a comment in the comment box below.

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