Saturday, January 2, 2016

Ten Factors To Build a Successful Online Business

Do you want to build an Online Business?
Are you a complete beginner or have you started building one?
Whatever the case I am going to go over ten factors to build an Successful Online Business.

Factor 1  You Need An Offer
To make money online you need to sell something. This something can be a product you have created, a product someone else has created, a service such as teaching a musical instrument. video coaching course or an opportunity such as in network or multilevel marketing where you have products to sell plus the chance to join the company and do the same.
All these things are examples of an offer.

Factor 2  You Need a Blogging Platform or Website
A blogging platform or website is like a hub or home where you have information on your offer, share ideas,connect with people and build an audience. You continually add fresh content in the form of a blog, to keep your readers inspired; think of this as the “kitchen” of your website. In a kitchen you prepare and cook food regularly for the benefit of health and nutrition. In a blog you are creating content to nourish your audience.
A popular blogging platform is WordPress.

Factor 3  You need to Brand Yourself
Don’t you find that you are more likely to buy form someone that you know and trust. If you brand yourself as opposed to a business name or product then people are going to get to know you.
How do you brand yourself?
You use your name on your blogging platform or website, facebook fan page, instagram, pinterest, google+, twitter ,domain name* …basically any place you can offer content.
* A domain name is the address of your content eg blog, which you put in on the address bar at the top. You can equate it to the address of your house.

Factor 4 Give Valuable Content
As people follow people then to be successful you need to give valuable content, content that will solve people’s problems. You want to make people feel that that have to get whatever it is that you have to offer because it IS going to SOLVE THEIR problem. You need to touch on peoples pain point and jump in with a solution in the form of Valuable Content. 
Valuable content can be in the form of an article, blog, podcast,video,periscope,image for instagram,flickr,pinterest. 

Factor 5 Get Traffic

For each piece of valuable content you create,  link to various places around the internet as you are getting a different audience at each place.

Here is a scenario to help you think of this. 
I play in a Big Band and at Christmas time we have been involved in a Santa Parade….which is basically a parade of anything Christmas related moving down a few streets. Any band or musical group which plays in one of these are put on trucks to move past the audience on the side of the road. The band only needed to play 1 song really because  audience changes as it moves down the road. However for sanity purposes the band plays about tunes as the event lasts about an hour!! But  you get the drift.
So here an example of what you can do:
1. write up a blog post with an image created for it. 
2. post the image on instagram, pinterest, flickr with a link back to the blog.
3. post the blog link on your facebook fanpage and profile, google+, twitter and more.
4. post the blog post on linkedin.
You post the content to all the places around the internet that you belong to. You may need to tweak the information to suit the place you are sharing it to. It’s like having little pieces of real estate all over the world with a chance for as many interested people to have a look as possible ie TRAFFIC.

Factor 6 You Need A Funnel
A funnel is part of the sales process and you can read about it Here.

Factor 7 You Need An Autoresponder
An autoresponder collects email addresses of anyone who is interested in your offer and sends emails out automatically once they have been set up. You can read about anAutoresponder Here.

Factor 8 You Need To Feed Yourself For Continual Growth and a Positive Mindset
You can do this in 3 ways:
1. Get information in the form of webinars, google hangouts, podcasts, books, videos
You can tune into the people who are already doing well for information and inspiration.
2. Surrounding Yourself With Positive Like-minded people in order to cheer you on and move you forward
This can be in the form of facebook groups of the offer type you are involved in.
You can hangout with people just like yourself for encouragement , advice and friendship.
3. Find a Mentor who is where you want to be and reach out to them.

Factor 9  Take Action
It is great to have all the information and inspiration and know how to build a successful business online but you need to put into practise what you have gained ie Take Action
So if you have listened to a webinar on Three Techniques to Take Your Blogpost to the Next Levelthen guess what…you need to then write a blogpost using those 3 techniques. But don’t just stick to one blogpost… need to continue to use those points on your other blogposts.

Factor 10  Be Consistent
Rome was not built in a day and nor will your Online Business.
You need to take steps in you business daily to be successful. 
It is just like fitness…if you do some sort of exercise regularly you will be fit and healthy. Your body will thank you for it.
So to help with being consistent it is a good idea to plan your activities so you can focus and do. Factor in all types of activities work related, family related, hobbies,interests etc That way you don’t waste time. It is easy to get on your facebook feed or instagram or a mindless game of candycrush or words with friends and end up by having no time for IPA’s ( income producing activities)

So there you have it. 
ten factors for a successful business online
If you are lacking in any of the above factors and would like some extra help to build a successful online business then take a look at a 5 step formula for success HERE or click on the photo above.
If you have any questions then please message me on Facebook. 

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