Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Sales Funnel: The Bridge Page-Sales Page

Here are the next steps in the Sales Process.
Read on further for more information.

Step 2: The Bridge Page or Thank you Page

Once you have entered your details on the Capture Page and pressed the section that says, “Give Me The Information” or “Press Here” or “Click Here” or something that is relevant to the offer, then you are taken to another page. This page is most likely going to be The Bridge Page or Thankyou Page. I say this because the Bridge Page is an optional step in the sales process. I would highly recommend using one.
If you don’t come across a Bridge (Thank You) Page then the next page will be the Sales Page( see step 3 : The Sales Page- below ).

What Is On The Bridge or Thankyou Page?

1. An Introduction from the person who made the offer of themselves
2. A Recognition Message eg Congratualtions for being here. Just by putting your email address in you’re about to get to know me and now I get to know you.
3. A thank you message eg”Thank you for signing up for whatever the offer is. “4. A Preframe Message:
This is an explanation of what you are going to find on the next page with benefits where you will get your Free Product. Basically what was on the capture page again. This gives the prospect exposure of you and another chance to hear the offer. People often don’t buy on first exposure. This page is to lure your prospect in.
There are many variations on the way people do this. Many people put a video in here as it gives the possible buyer a chance to see and hear the person with the offer and start building a relationship.Sometimes there is a photograph of the person behind the offer and a written explanation.
What Do You Do Next?
There are two options which people can use on their offers:First Option:
There will be a message either verbal through a video or written to go to the entered email address for further instructions and information. And so the sales process continues there and people get a chance to”buy products” or “sign up to an opportunity” or whatever, from the Sales Page on the email.
Second Option:
There will be an instructional message like what you saw on the capture page. Click on a this section and you will be bought to another page, The Sales Page.
Step 3: The Sales Page

This page has all the information you need to make an informed decision as to whether to buy or not. The page will vary in length depending on offer and who has written it.

Sales Page often has:
  1. Testimonials on it from people who have bought the offer.
  2. Bonus gifts if you choose to buy
  3. Money Back Guarantee if you are not happy after a certain amount of time. And you scan send for a refund. A common one is 60 days.

At this stage some people choose not to buy and they become Leads. And because an Autoresponder has been connected to the Sales Funnel then alist of leads will be seen on the Autoresponder. If you have not connected an autoresponder then you will not get a Leads List ( email list ) and will miss out on potential buyers.
People who are interested in the offer then click a button which says Buy Now or Add To Cart or something relevant, on the sales page and are then bought to an Order Page to fill in details including desired payment option. This page will vary too depending on the offer.

What happens next is entirely dependant on the type of offer being presented.
Products will be emailed ( for digital products like e-books ) or sent.
Services such as coaching or teaching will be worked out between the 2 parties.
If the offer is an opportunity as in direct sales marketing, network marketing or multilevel marketing then there will also be communication between the 2 parties as to what happens next.

In Summary

1. you have an offer
2. you advertise this offer all over the internet to get traffic
3. traffic goes through the Sales Funnel 
4. you get Leads and Buyers
5. you communicate with the leads by email through your autoresponder and regular newletters
6. you communicate with the buyers

To Make Money
You Repeat the process with more and more offers.

If you are interested in getting more information and help with your business offer then you may be interested in MLSP ( MyLeadSystemPro ). Have a readHere for further information. Or just press the tab at the top of the page which says MLSP Marketing.
If you want to ask me any questions you can send me a PM from my facebook page.

Have a great day.

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