Do You Run a Business?Chances are that you will use images to promote it such as on instagram,  flickr, pinterest, blogs and websites, for presentations and projects and more. So it makes sense to make the images attractive and eye catching for the viewer to be engaged. So how do you create these amazing images?There are many image editing platforms and websites that can help you create the perfect image for your purpose. I will cover 3 places you can go to touch up your image and create something amazing for your business.
1. Powerpoint
Powerpoint is well known editing platform. If you haven’t got it on your computer then you can download the 2013 version for free or purchase the 2016 version. There will be other options – just do a search on google and sort out the best fit for you.
There is a wide range of functions on powerpoint for you to use on you image. I am going to cover the basics here on this blog.
That is:
How To Start
How to add a picture- yours and other
How to add a background
How to add picture effects
How to make more changes to a picture
How to add text
How to adjust text for colour,font,size,position and more
How to add a background to the text
How to change to the look of the slide
How To Start
1. Open Powerpoint
2. Click File
3. Click New PresentationA slide will appear as you see below. You can carry on using a blank slide like you see.Screen Shot 2015-10-09 at 4.02.05 pm
I like to start with a blank slide if it isn’t blank like the one you see then you can click the area(s) to delete, one at a time and then press the delete key.
4. If you would like to start with a theme, then click the Theme tab next to the Home tab on second row of tabs. Just scroll through the options by pressing the arrow to the right with the curser or you can press the downward arrow which shows up when your curser is about half way along the theme options. This shows the complete range all at once. Just click on the one you want. Here is just one example.
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I am going to continue without using a theme.

How To Add Your Own Photo

1. Click Insert then photo then 1 of the 2 options of where you will be getting the photo from.

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2. In my case it is the second option which is Picture from File. I retrieved one from the  downloads section.

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3. You can Resize the photo by clicking onto the little corner circles or edge squares, holding down and dragging.

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4. You can Reposition the photo by  clicking down on photo usually near edge until you see criss cross arrows. Hold down and drag into place.

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Click on an area away from the photo to remove the little circles and squares.
If you want to UNDO any procedure you have just done, then Click Edit then Undo Resize Object or whatever it is you are undoing.

How To Add A Background

1. Click Format tab along top of screen.
2. Go down to bottom of menu and click Slide Background.

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You will come up with options to choose as a background.
Options include: Gradient     Picture or Texture       Pattern
Just click on your desired option. Just have a play around to see which one you like best.
I did 2 options to show you.

Option 1Pattern

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You can see the variety of patterns to choose. Just click on desired one.
Then choose your 2 colours from underneath the patterns. I have chosen pink and yellow for demonstration purposes.
To the bottom right you will see options labelled Apply to All or Apply. If you have a series of slides like for a powerpoint presentation and you want this background on all of them then click Apply to All. If you only have 1 slide or would just like this slide to have the chosen background then clickApply.

Option 2Texture
I deleted the Pattern option.
Then Clicked Texture and the Water Droplets option as seen.

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Then I clicked Apply
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How To Apply Picture Effects

1. Click on picture and the little circles and squares will appear.
Format Picture tab will show up across the second row of tabs.
Click on this and a set of effect options appear underneath.

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2. Changing The Picture Style
There is an arrow beside and an arrow underneath the Picture Styles. Click on either one to see all the options.
The photo below shows the options from the downwards arrow.

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Choose your desired option. Here is my example – the oval picture.

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3. You can also choose to adjust, arrange and resize the picture. Have a play.

How To Make More Changes to The Picture

1. Click Smart Art and a series of  options will show up.
2. I decided to change the shape so I clicked on shape. You will also see a series of different options. Just play around until one looks good.
3. I chose the Oval Shape so I clicked on that shape to get it.
4. You can adjust the oval size with the little yellow diamond. Just click down onto it and move it to desired size.
5. I also decided to change the picture style to a reflection. I did this by Clicking picture, Format Picture, reflective style.
See Picture below for these changes.

How To Add Text
1. Click Insert
2. Click Text Box
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3. A little A will appear by curser. Click down on slide where you want text.
4. Write Text eg Beautiful Flowers

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 How To Adjust Text Size, Font, Colour, Position and More

1. Click the Home tab on the second row.
2. Make sure you have the text box clicked so you see the little circles and squares.
3. Highlight word
4. Change what you want to from the given options.

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How To Add a Background to the Text

1. Click  for the text box to appear.
2. Highlight the words.
3. Click Format seen at top of screen.
4. Scroll to the bottom and click shape.
5. Choose from the given options   Gradient   Picture or Texture   Pattern
I chose the gradient option and played around with the settings.

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How To Change The Look In The Middle
I created another slide with a Picture in the Middle and words at the top.
1. Add New Slide: This option is at the left of screen just above the slides
2. I copied the oval picture from slide 1 which was Control Copy on my Mac and pasted in onto slide 2.
3. I then added the same background.
4. Click Insert
5. Click Clip Art
6. Click Clip Art Browser
7. Click Animals
8. Dragged the cat to the middle of oval.
9. Dragged a rabbit to beside the cat.

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10. Decided that I did not want the rabbit so deleted it.
11. Clicked Special Occasions
12. Dragged Balloons into place. The yellow balloon went over the cats ear.
You can reorder the position of pictures by clicking on the picture, then on Arrange and then choosing the option you want.
I wanted the balloons to go behind the cat and in front of the oval. So all I had to do was select  Send Backwards and the balloon went behind the cat’s ear and stayed in front of the oval.
If you wanted the balloons to be behind both pictures of the cat and the oval then you would press Send To Back.

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Adding Text
1. Click Insert
2. Click Word Art
3. Adjusted size, font, colour, position and text effects as mentioned in slide 1 with the text Beautiful Flowers.

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You need to SAVE these pictures so you can use it for your blog, website, facebook, pinterest, flickr, instagram.
I uploaded the 2 pictures created from my downloads.

Here They Are: VOILA!!


You can now use the pictures for your business.
If you put them on blogs such as this or websites you may want them clickable to promote your business offer. Currently if you click on any of the photos ( except the last ) they become bigger.
The last photo is a clickable photo example. Just click on it to view the offer. You might learn something new to help promote your business.


2. Canva

As I said you can post these powerpoint images anywhere.
But another site I use to add a little extra to my images is With this site you can choose the image size you want and they have custom sizes for just about any type of place you may want to insert an image. And so I will go over it briefly.
You have to join up. There is a free version and you can upgrade to a paid version with more benefits.
Check it out here.
Once you have joined you sign in then create a design. Take a look at some of the templates you can design.

I will show you an example using the Instagram template.
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1. Click Instagram template. And you will see this.
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2. Upload photo or use some already given. I uploaded the picture I created in Powerpoint. You can see it under the yellow arrow.
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3. Click on uploaded photo to bring over to template.
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4. Alter size and position the same as in Powerpoint. Just remember to click the picture first.
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5. Choose a background if desired as seen on the above photo.
There are free ones and paid ones. Click on desired one.
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6. Change the colour if desired. You can look at the colour wheel for more options.
7. Add text if desired. There are free and paid templates or you can just add the heading examples at the top.
I clicked the large Add Heading option. And then wrote my text after deleting the words Add Heading.
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8. Change size, font, colour and there are more options under the arrow to the right.
9. Name it by clicking by the curved arrow above.
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10. Download it by pressing the download button and choosing your option.
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11. You will be able to get this photo from your downloads folder.
Would You Like To Come To My Party
12. And again make it clickable to a business offer if you want. Click the photo to see.
Would You Like To Come To My Party


There is a website: where can add special effects to your photo.
Once you are on the website all you do is:
1. Choose the effect you want from the left hand side of the screen eg Halloween, Movies
2. You will see a range of pictures. Select one you are interested in.
3. Choose photo and follow onscreen directions.
4. Voila – a transformed photo. Do you like this Halloween Fire Shot of me?

That’s it for now, you have more of an idea how to create amazing images for your business. It is enough to take in and take action on if desired. Remember just to have a play around the features of each platform and have fun being creative.
If you have any questions please send me a private message on facebook.
Have a great day.